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Copyright (c) 2017 Florent Becker, Ehsan Jamshidpour, Philippe Poure, Shahrokh Saadate

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Florent Becker
Institut Jean Lamour (UMR7198) University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre les Nancy
Florent Becker was born in France, in 1987. He received the M.S degree from Université de Nancy, Nancy, France, in 2011. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France. His research interests are High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), Modular Multi-Level Converter (MMC), renewable energy, and fault tolerant converters.
Ehsan Jamshidpour
Université of Strasbourg , Illkirch, and ECAM Strasbourg-Europe, Schiltigheim
Ehsan Jamshidpour was born in Kermanshah, Iran, in 1975. He received the B.S. degree from University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, in 1999, the M.S. degree from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2001 and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, in 2014. From 2003 to 2010; he was an Assistant Professor in electrical engineering with the Institute for Energy and Hydro Technology, Kermanshah, Iran. He is currently with Laboratory Icube (UMR 7357) Université of Strasbourg , Illkirch, France. His research interests are Renewable energy, Power electronic converters and fault tolerant converters.
Philippe Poure
Institut Jean Lamour (UMR7198) University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre les Nancy
Philippe POURE was born in 1968. He received the Engineer Degree and Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from INPL-ENSEM-GREEN, France, in 1991 and 1995 respectively. From 1995 to 2004, he was an Associate Professor and worked at the University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, France, in the field of mixed-signal System-On-Chip for control and measurement in Electrical Engineering. Since September 2004, he joined the Université de Lorraine, Nancy - France and works on fault tolerant power systems, FPGA based real time applications and energy harvesting.
Shahrokh Saadate
GREEN laboratory University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre les Nancy
Shahrokh SAADATE received the diplôme d’ingenieur (1982), diplôme d’études approfondies (1982), Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering (1986) and habilitation à diriger les recherches scientifiques (1995) from ENSEM-INPL-GREEN, Nancy, France.
Since 1996 he is full professor in University of Lorraine in Nancy. He has been the head of GREEN Laboratory from 2009 to 2012. His main research domain is power systems reliability, power quality and renewable energies.
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