Optimizing Signal Behavior of Femtocells for Improved Network

Meera Joseph, Akinlabi Olaniyi Akindeji


The high demand for network coverage in an indoor setting brought about the acceptance of femtocell technology as a solution using the backhaul connectivity in the existing network. The quality of signal, voice calling, Internet, security and data are improved through the use femtocell at the indoor environment. Here the service provider attempts to reduce their operation cost by presenting self-organizing mechanisms for optimization of the network. The remarkable part is that, femtocells improves coverage, enhances the data rate at the indoor environment. Therefore, the challenges of the femtocell also known as interference deteriorates the capacity and quality performance of the whole cellular network. In this paper we simulate the bit error rate against signal behaviour at the indoor environment and we also simulate the transmitting power over signal for both macrocells and femtocells. We focus on the transmitting power that might cause interference within the cellular network.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22149/teee.v1i3.51


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