Dynamic Voltage Stability Studies using a Modified IEEE 30-Bus System

Oluwafemi Emmanuel Oni, Kamati I. Mbangula, Innocent E. Davidson


Power System stability is an essential study in the planning and operation of an efficient, economic, reliable and secure electric power system because it encompasses all the facet of power systems operations, from planning, to conceptual design stages of the project as well as during the systems operating life span. This paper presents different scenario of power system stability studies on a modified IEEE 30-bus system which is subjected to different faults conditions. A scenario whereby the longest high voltage alternating current (HVAC) line is replaced with a high voltage direct current (HVDC) line was implemented. The results obtained show that the HVDC line enhances system stability more compared to the contemporary HVAC line. Dynamic analysis using RMS simulation tool was used on DigSILENT PowerFactory.


CCT; Commutation failure; Dynamic Voltage stability; HVDC; Steady state analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22149/teee.v1i3.30


Copyright (c) 2016 Oluwafemi Emmanuel Oni, Kamati I. Mbangula, Innocent E. Davidson

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