Investigation of Supra-Harmonics through Signal Processing Methods in Smart Grids

Turgay Yalcin, Muammer Ozdemir, Pawel Kostyla, Zbigniew Leonowicz


Nowadays supra-harmonic distortion studies are gaining attention day by day in power quality research area. When handling communication systems especially Power Line Carrier (PLC) systems in frequency range 2- 150 kHz, they are suitable for causing electromagnetic interference (EMI) to other systems. This study shows results of analysis employing advanced method called ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) to describe supra-harmonic distortion. Unlike the traditional method (short time fourier transform- STFT), EEMD gives extensive representation for supra-harmonic components


ensemble empirical mode decomposition; power quality; short time fourier analysis; supra-harmonics

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T. Yalcin, M Ozdemir, P. Kostyla, Z Leonowicz, “Analysis of Supra‐Harmonics in Smart Grids”, EEEIC 2017., 6-9 June 2017 , DOI: 10.1109/EEEIC.2017.7977812



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Copyright (c) 2017 Turgay Yalcin, Muammer Ozdemir, Pawel Kostyla, Zbigniew Leonowicz

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