Geoelectric method applied in correlation between physical characteristics and electrical properties of the soil

Antonio Marcelino Silva Filho, Carlos Leandro Borges Silva, Marco Antonio Assfalk Oliveira, Thyago Gumeratto Pires, Aylton José Alves, Wesley Pacheco Calixto, Marcelo Gonçalves Narciso


This paper presents the study of the relationship between electrical properties and physical characteristics of the soil. Measures of apparent electrical resistivity of the soil were made for different types of soil, varying moisture content gradually while maintaining a constant compaction, and then varying the compaction and relating it to a constant humidity. Development of a correlation surface is proposed in order to identify granulometry of the soil from moisture and compaction measurements. For the study of spatial variability, two areas were chosen to allow the change of moisture content and compaction in order to verify the measurement capacity of apparent electrical resistivity of the soil as methodology to identify change in soil dynamics. Results obtained show correlations among apparent electrical resistivity of the soil, moisture, soil compaction and clay content.


Geoelectrical prospecting; apparent electrical resistivity; soil compaction; moisture content.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Antonio Marcelino Silva Filho, Carlos Leandro Borges Silva, Marco Antonio Assfalk Oliveira, Thyago Gumeratto Pires, Aylton José Alves, Wesley Pacheco Calixto, Marcelo Gonçalves Narciso

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