Modification of Duval Triangle for Diagnostic Transformer Fault through a Procedure of Dissolved Gases Analysis

Sobhy Serry Dessouky, Ahmed E. Kalas, Ramadan Aly Ahmed, Abdel Moneim M. Hassan


Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis (DGA) is a sensitive and reliable technique for the detection of incipient fault condition within oil-immersed transformers. When the mineral oil is subjected to high thermal or/and electrical stresses, it decomposes and, as a result, gases are generated. 

    This paper presents modification of Duval triangle DGA diagnostic graph to numerical method that is easy to use for diagnosing and the possibility to use for a Matlab program.

    The evaluation is carried out on DGA data obtained from three different groups of transformers. A Matlab program was developed to automate the evaluation of  Duval Triangle graph to numerical modification, Also the fault gases can be generated due to oil decomposing effected by transformer over excitation which increasing thetransformer exciting current lead to rising the temperature inside transformer core beside the other causes.

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Copyright (c) 2016 Sobhy Serry Dessouky, Ahmed E. Kalas, Ramadan Aly Ahmed, Abdel Moneim M. Hassan

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