Optimization of Solar PV System Efficiency in Bangladesh
This paper presents a comprehensive review and analysis of the Sarishabari Engreen Solar Plant Ltd., a 3.3 MW grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system located in Sarishabari, Jamalpur, Bangladesh. The study evaluates the plant's economic and operational performance, revealing a competitive payback period of 10.1 years and a levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of 0.11 USD/kWh. These metrics highlight the plant's financial viability, largely due to the low cost of public land used for construction. However, profitability may be challenged if similar projects require significant investments in private land acquisition. Key areas for improvement identified include optimizing the tilt angle and integrating smart automation systems. Additionally, the potential for hybrid renewable energy systems combining solar and wind power is discussed. The paper also provides actionable recommendations for future renewable projects, emphasizing the importance of advanced technologies, and supportive policies. These insights aim to inform the optimization of existing solar PV systems and guide the development of future renewable energy projects in Bangladesh, contributing to the country's sustainable energy goals.
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