Sustainable Adoption of Connected Vehicles in the Brazilian Landscape: Policies, Technical Specifications and Challenges
This review addresses the intervehicular communication in Connected Vehicles (CV) by emphasizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) and V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) communications in terms of evolution, current standards, state-of-the-art studies, embedded devices, simulation, trends, challenges, and relevant legislation. This review is based on studies conducted from 2009 to 2019, government reports about the sustainable deployment of these technologies and their adoption in the Brazilian automotive market. Moreover, WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) and DSRC (Dedicated Short-range Communication) standards, the performance analysis of communication parameters and intervehicular available at the market are also described. The current status of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) development in Brazil was reviewed, as well as the research institutes and governmental actions focused on introducing the concept of connected vehicles into the society. The Brazilian outlook for technological adoption concerning CVs was also discussed. Moreover, challenges related to technical aspects, safety and environmental issues, and the standardization for vehicle communication are also described. Finally, this review highlights the challenges and proposals from available technologies devoted to the roads and vehicular infrastructure communication, their evolution and upcoming trends.
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