Agilometer: An Effective Implementation of Internet of Things for Agile Demand Response

Muhammad Babar, J. Grela, A. Ozadowicz, P.H. Nguyen, Z. Hanzelka, I.G. Kamphuis


Transactive based control mechanism (TCM) needs the IoT environment to fully explore flexibility potential from the end-users to offer to involved actors of the smart energy system. On the other hand, many IoT based energy management systems are already available to a market. This paper presents an ap-proach to connect the current demand-driven (top-down) energy management system (EMS) with a market-driven (bottom-up) demand response program. To this end, this paper considers multi-agent system (MAS) to realize the approach and introduces the concept and standardize design of Agilometer. It is described as an elemental agent of the approach. Proposed by authors Agilometer consists of three different functional blocks, which are formulated as an IoT platform according to the LonWorks standard. Moreover, the paper also performs an evaluation study in order to validate the proposed concept and design.


Demand Response; energy management system; Internet of Things; Transactive based control mechanism ; smart metering;

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Copyright (c) 2017 Muhammad Babar, J. Grela, A. Ozadowicz, P.H. Nguyen, Z. Hanzelka, I.G. Kamphuis

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